Raspberry Butterbraid

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NOT EVERY PERSON YOU CONTACT WILL GET BACK TO YOU. It is possible they have just purchased from another group, or they are not in need of additional items at the time you get in touch with them. Check back during your sale as new names appear all the time.

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(Distances are approximated)

Name Subject Location
Kimberly Would love to purchase butter braids! Bolingbrook, IL
Kimberly Would love to purchase butter braids! Bolingbrook, IL
Jacqueline Would love to buy! Chicago, IL
Jacqueline Would love to buy! Chicago, IL
Jacqueline Would love to buy! Chicago, IL
DENISE buy Columbus, WI
DENISE buy Columbus, WI
Erin Looking to purchase butter braids Des Plaines, IL
ang Butter braid Fox Lake, IL
Kelly Would Love to buy! Huntley, IL
Carly Madison, WI
Pam want to buy Madison, WI
Pam want to buy Madison, WI
Margarita Gatkuoth cookie dough Mesa, AZ
Emily Want to buy butterbraids! Naperville, IL
Emily Want to buy Butterbraids! Naperville, IL
John Butter Braids Naperville, IL
John Georgias Butter Braids Naperville, IL
Dezra Would love to buy Oak Park, IL
Dezra Would love to buy Oak Park, IL
Denise Fundraiser Paw Paw, IL
Jennifer Looking to purchase Roscoe, IL
Becky Butter bRAIDS Sandwich, IL
Becky Butter bRAIDS Sandwich, IL
kevin ware butter braids South Beloit, IL
kevin ware butter braids South Beloit, IL
Julie Looking to buy Streamwood, IL
Rose Buy butter braids Waunakee, WI
Ana Wayne, IL